
Showing posts from February, 2023

What is a healthy way to lose weight in 2023?

  What is a healthy way to lose weight in 2023? Weight loss refers to the process of intentionally reducing one's body weight, typically through a combination of dietary changes, increased physical activity, and lifestyle adjustments. It's important to approach weight loss sustainably and healthily, as crash diets or extreme measures can have negative impacts on overall well-being. A balanced diet that focuses on a variety of nutrient-rich foods, appropriate portion sizes, and mindful eating can play a crucial role in weight loss. Incorporating regular exercise, such as cardiovascular activities and strength training, can help burn calories and build muscle, contributing to a healthier body composition. Keep in mind that individual factors such as metabolism, genetics, and underlying health conditions can influence the rate and success of weight loss. Consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before making significant changes to your diet or exercise ro

When you slowly mature, what do you start to realize?

When you slowly mature, what do you start to realize? Maturity is a skill that we can all work on. Being emotionally stable can make you much more happy in your day to day. Although it is a fundamental condition to enjoy all aspects of our lives, many are unaware of what a mature person really is like.  What is emotional maturity? Emotional maturity as well as emotional intelligenceThey are elements that allow us to communicate with the people around us. The meaning of emotional maturity refers to each person's ability to feel, be responsible and be able to express their own emotions. In other words, as psychologists  tell us, a mature person is one who can harmonize their actions through reflective processes. In this way, he has the ability to self-criticize in order to improve. When a person suffers from emotional maturity problems, it usually comes from factors such as anxiety or stress. In this way, the person knows what they want to do but these emotions do not allow them to d

Why do you feel sleepy after eating?

  Why do you feel sleepy after eating?  This is a phenomenon known as 'postprandial sleepiness '. And although it does not happen to everyone, it is basically a fact that is closely related to the volume of food that the person eats. And also with the type of food you eat at noon. This situation, among other factors, is induced by copious food intake. This sensation, which we usually call drowsiness, occurs after eating. and this is because with the onset of digestion, the diaphragm rises. That way you breathe more superficially. And the carbon dioxide that can accumulate causes drowsiness. But this feeling can be very pronounced in some people and not at all in others. Experts estimate that the increase in neurotransmitters that occurs during digestion would also have some influence. When fats and carbohydrates are ingested, 'serotonin' rises, which, being a natural anxiolytic, could favor the predisposition to sleep. Therefore, eating something sweet promotes relaxati

Why do you lose weight?

  Why do you lose weight? We often hear that it is good to lose weight when you are overweight, but why is it so necessary to lose weight if I have a few extra kilos? Being overweight or obese , our body carries more weight than it is normally used to, the back and joints work more this in addition to causing back pain can cause wear and inflammation of the joints with consequent pain, as well as lower back pain. The skin also undergoes changes, since it stretches more when we gain weight, this causes stretch marks to appear and the skin to hang. In addition to obesity being a pro-inflammatory state. With overweight or obesity , the heart is forced to work twice as it has to pump more blood to reach the entire body. One of the main consequences of obesity is hypertension , which is alarming, since the problem can worsen and a heart attack can occur because the veins and arteries fill with fat. Self-esteem can be affected , since having extra kilos causes insecurity when carrying out th

What are the most productive habits?

  Develop good habits to be productive The other day, early in the morning, as I was driving to work, I was mentally going over my to-do list that I had carefully identified, classified and prioritized the day before. But when I arrived... I have received an unexpected visitor that I have had to attend to, a computer incident has arisen that has caused a loss of data, which has had to be restored manually, My boss has commissioned me to study a request from a recently arrived client... … and when I wanted to realize it, it was 1:00 p.m., and my to-do list was still intact, immaculate. Is this situation familiar to anyone? Indeed, the working day of more and more professionals consists of the need to carry out many tasks, more and more urgent and in less time, 'every day eats you up', and all this leads to a stressful situation characterized by the permanent feeling of 'not reaching everything'. Well then! Some time ago, faced with these problems, I wanted to improve as

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