Logo designs

  Introduction to Logos A logo is a visual symbol or emblem that represents a company, organization, or brand. It is a crucial element of a brand's identity, often consisting of text, symbols, or a combination of both. Logos are designed to be easily recognizable, conveying a brand's message, values, and personality at a glance. A well-designed logo can help establish a strong brand presence and make a lasting impression on the audience. Importance of a Unique Logo Having a unique logo is vital for standing out in a crowded market. A distinctive logo not only helps in creating brand recognition but also builds trust and loyalty among customers. It serves as the face of your brand, appearing on all marketing materials, products, and digital platforms. Therefore, investing in a high-quality, exclusive logo design is essential for businesses of all sizes.   Where to Get the Best Exclusive Logo Designs 1. Professional Design Agencies Professional design agencies are an excellent o...

Why do you lose weight?

 Why do you lose weight?

We often hear that it is good to lose weight when you are overweight, but why is it so necessary to lose weight if I have a few extra kilos?

Being overweight or obese , our body carries more weight than it is normally used to, the back and joints work more this in addition to causing back pain can cause wear and inflammation of the joints with consequent pain, as well as lower back pain.

The skin also undergoes changes, since it stretches more when we gain weight, this causes stretch marks to appear and the skin to hang. In addition to obesity being a pro-inflammatory state.

With overweight or obesity , the heart is forced to work twice as it has to pump more blood to reach the entire body. One of the main consequences of obesity is hypertension , which is alarming, since the problem can worsen and a heart attack can occur because the veins and arteries fill with fat.

Self-esteem can be affected , since having extra kilos causes insecurity when carrying out the same activities as before, such as running, bending down and getting up. Also, it causes clothes to simply not look like they used to.

Being obese or overweight also makes you more likely to suffer from diabetes , some liver problem or consequences in the urinary system such as stones and urinary incontinence, as well as infertility and erectile dysfunction, which is why it is so important to lose weight. In addition, the risk of suffering from some diseases such as gastroesophageal reflux, cholelithiasis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, hernias and alterations in sensitivity increases.

As you will see, it is not only a question of aesthetics, it is a question of health, we recommend that you approach a health expert, he will help you lose those extra kilos.

Have you gained a few kilos during the holidays and getting rid of them is your priority for autumn? If so, it doesn't hurt to review your motivations for dieting: they will be very useful to fight temptations. Here are some good reasons to get down to work.

It is the pending subject of many. With the summer hiatus, we left it for September and now, already in autumn, it is time to approve it. In order not to fail in this endeavor, it is good to look for a motivation that encourages you to keep going. Studies say that the majority (83 percent) who are aware that they should lose weight, would do so for health; others because their extra kilos affect their emotional balance (78 percent), their sexual life (58 percent) and the search for work (65 percent). Any motivation is good. It is worth clinging, for example, to that crazy illusion that would make you put on your favorite jeans that haven't fit for years; It is also worth concentrating on the goal of leaving everyone speechless at the next family gathering.

Here we present some good reasons to lose kilos, but if it is difficult for you to find yours, try these two easy exercises.

First, spend a few minutes each day vividly and in detail imagining yourself as you would be at the right weight. In this way, your mind will tell you what the reward will be that will serve as motivation for the effort.

And second: do the exact opposite and imagine what will happen in the future if you don't commit to adopting healthy habits to achieve a suitable weight... What will be the consequences for your health? And in your relationships? What eating habits do you leave to your children? How do you feel? If you don't like what you see, the desire to change it will be your engine.

1. You will simply live longer

Because you will avoid one of the most important risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, which are, in Spain, one of the leading causes of death, along with cancer and diseases of the respiratory system. The incidence of hypertension in overweight adults is three times higher than in non-overweight adults. In addition, they are more likely to have high levels of blood triglycerides and LDL (the bad) cholesterol and low levels of HDL (the good) cholesterol. In short, as a result of all these factors, if you are overweight you will have triple the chances of suffering a heart attack or stroke.

2. You will have fewer ballots to suffer from cancer

Weight reduction leads to a decrease in the proteins associated with angiogenesis (ie, the formation of new blood vessels) that the tumor requires for its growth and proliferation. On the contrary, obesity and being overweight are related to an increased chance of suffering different types of cancer, such as esophagus, colon, rectum, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and kidney, breast and uterus. It is estimated that the additional risk of suffering from this type of disease is 50 percent greater than in people who have a normal weight.

3. You will sleep better...

With all the rewards that this implies, because sleep is essential for the physical and cellular recovery, of the mechanisms of our immune system, of memory... It also has an essential function to adapt to the environment, to restore the mechanisms of cerebral neurotransmission and to balance emotions. However, the extra pounds put pressure on the heart and lungs, which have more trouble breathing and getting oxygen during sleep. That is why apnea, which is an interruption of breathing while sleeping, is common. They are brief episodes, but enough to cause frequent microarousals that, in the end, cause the normal sleep architecture to break down. When patients fail to have deep and regular sleep.

4. …And the person sleeping next to you, too

Your partner may also be longer lasting and happier because losing weight reduces snoring. A study from the University of Florida observed that losing three kilos almost halved the number of snores per hour and that losing more than 7.5 kilos, the noisy habit tended to disappear. Isn't it worth trying to lose weight to save yourself the nudges and snaps at night and the pouting and reproaches when you wake up?

5. It will improve your sexual potency

Another advantage that your life as a couple will benefit from. Three out of four Spaniards think that excess weight can negatively affect sexual relations and they are not wrong. It has been shown that obese people have fewer intimate encounters. Among men, the main problem is erectile dysfunction, which increases by up to 40-50 percent compared to those of normal weight. Overweight men often suffer from reduced testosterone production, which affects libido and erection quality.

6. Your back won't hurt as much

Because one of the most frequent causes of chronic discomfort is that backpack of extra kilos, which increases the load on the spine and forces the muscles to make greater efforts to move the body or maintain postures, which facilitates its contracture and the pain onset. The risk increases if a sedentary lifestyle, lack of muscle strength, physical inactivity or poor general health are added to this. Although in the presence of pain it seems that the body asks us to rest and avoid efforts to appease the discomfort, it is advisable to be active, exercise the muscles so that they can develop and gain strength and comply with the rules of postural hygiene.

7. Your joints will be well-oiled for longer

Not only the back and the spine suffer the impact of the kilos, the joints also suffer it and over time osteoarthritis ends up making its appearance, especially in the hips, knees and ankles. Studies indicate that overweight people see their quality of life and their productive capacity for work and family diminished before reaching 50 years of age.

8. You will avoid diabetes

Of all serious diseases, type 2 diabetes or non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is the most linked to obesity and excess weight. In fact, the risk of developing it increases with a Body Mass Index (BMI) that is well below the obesity limit (BMI of 30), within a simple overweight. It used to be exclusive to adults, but now it occurs even in children. The World Health Organization recalls that diabetes can cause "serious complications." Over time, hyperglycemia can endanger all the major organs of the body, leading to heart attacks, strokes, neuropathy, kidney failure, blindness, and infections that may require amputation.

9. You will forget about gastroesophageal reflux

They don't give you a break, much less when you're in a horizontal position. The excess fat in the abdominal cavity increases the pressure inside the stomach, the esophageal sphincter (a kind of muscular ring located in the lower part of the esophagus) is abnormally relaxed and allows the acid contents of the stomach to rise, with the consequent sensation of pain, burning, or stinging in the upper abdomen or chest. Reflux is an unpleasant condition that can greatly impair the quality of life.

10. Your self-esteem will rise whole

Experts say that this image of the good-natured and good-humored chubby guy is a cliché and that, although there are overweight people who do not necessarily have self-esteem problems and for whom the extra kilos are not a problem and lead a satisfying and happy life, the The reality is that low self-esteem is a very common trait. This situation is reached through the accumulation of daily circumstances: not being able to put on the clothes they would like, the impossibility of doing certain tasks, activities or efforts, jokes, looks or hurtful comments... they diminish the ability of people to value themselves. and feeling motivated and give rise to a low self-concept, continuous reproaches, guilt, anxiety and frustration.

11. You will reactivate your social life

Losing weight and feeling better about yourself will have an instant effect on your relationship with others. Many people avoid certain situations in order not to show their bodies (going to the beach and the pool or having sex, for example, because it is where they are most exposed). But even if you have never had complexes, you will realize that with fewer kilos you will be able to participate in new social activities such as those that require a certain effort and physical agility.

12. It could improve your work life

And find a job if you don't have it. Because that's how we are and that's how the world is and, among the many discriminations suffered by those who deviate from established aesthetic canons, they also have less chances of being chosen in a personnel selection process and twice the chances of earning a low salary . This was demonstrated by a study conducted by Slimming World, a British organization dedicated to weight loss. The analysis found that male recruiters are especially reluctant to hire someone who is overweight. One in four respondents expressed that they would reject a possible candidate for this factor and one in 10 acknowledged having done so on some occasion. 

13. You will have an easier time finding a partner

We have already seen that extra kilos can cause marital problems (sexual problems can greatly damage the health of love) and that discrimination is a fact. Singles who want to stop being single will not have it easy either. A recent survey found that 93 percent of respondents believe that being overweight makes it difficult to find a partner. A high percentage of those surveyed also assured that being chubby is a condition for choosing the person with whom to share your life, who tends to also be someone who is overweight. Because? Because "they feel more comfortable, safe and understood" and because many normal-weight people would "avoid" starting relationships with overweight people.

14. You will have one less reason for depression

The lack of social acceptance, the frequency with which they experience exclusion and rejection, and the frustration generated by unsuccessful attempts to lose weight are fertile ground on which emotional disorders such as anxiety, compulsive behaviors, and depression can thrive. This is particularly true in young girls, where a direct relationship has been shown: the higher the BMI, the higher the degree of depression. On the other hand, these symptoms can lead to seeking emotional refuge in food, which further aggravates the problem.

15. You will look better, you will feel more beautiful

And that will change the way you perceive the world and your way of facing life. For starters, you'll feel empowered to change more of the things you don't like: quitting smoking, ending a relationship that doesn't satisfy you, or making the necessary effort to prepare for a job change. If you have managed to lose weight... why wouldn't you be able to achieve any other challenge that you set for yourself?

My recommendation to learn more about your health regarding weight loss kindly click the following link and get good results:



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