Logo designs

  Introduction to Logos A logo is a visual symbol or emblem that represents a company, organization, or brand. It is a crucial element of a brand's identity, often consisting of text, symbols, or a combination of both. Logos are designed to be easily recognizable, conveying a brand's message, values, and personality at a glance. A well-designed logo can help establish a strong brand presence and make a lasting impression on the audience. Importance of a Unique Logo Having a unique logo is vital for standing out in a crowded market. A distinctive logo not only helps in creating brand recognition but also builds trust and loyalty among customers. It serves as the face of your brand, appearing on all marketing materials, products, and digital platforms. Therefore, investing in a high-quality, exclusive logo design is essential for businesses of all sizes.   Where to Get the Best Exclusive Logo Designs 1. Professional Design Agencies Professional design agencies are an excellent o...

Habits that have changed my life

 Habits that have changed my life

Since I decided to live in a healthier way and at the same time respectful of the environment, I have been making changes in my day to day. Replacing habits that were not interesting to me with others that were. In this  article I would like to share with you the 7 habits that have changed my life (and continue to do so).

The habits that I am going to present to you today are part of my way of life or lifestyle . However, it has been a slow and progressive process of transformation. Wanting to change everything at once is a reason for abandonment.

1.Minimize belongings

Some time ago I realized that the less material things I have, the happier I am .

I have never liked clutter. However, he was not aware to what extent reducing the material to the necessary facilitated order . Now, it's so obvious to me that I don't know why it took me so long to realize it.

Reducing does not mean living in scarcity, it means selecting what gives us value and getting rid of everything else . Each one will have their own needs and will have to find their balance. But  remember: "Less is more". 

Another important aspect is that what is truly important is not having something, it is enjoying it . For example, why do you want to have a kayak in the storage room? The important thing is to enjoy it, to explore the coast, discovering new places, feeling the sea air and the water on our skin. And for this, whose kayak is the least of it.

The important thing is not to have, it is to enjoy.

When we only have what we need, you find things more easily, you save space, you waste less time making decisions, and you leave room for new things (not necessarily materials) to enter.

Therefore, simplifying my belongings has brought me order, space, clarity, time and money. In addition, new things are entering my life that with the disorder there was no room for them. What more could you want?

2. Eating plant-based

Contrary to popular belief, eating a balanced vegan diet is no more complicated than a balanced omnivorous diet. What limits entry is the cultural baggage . The recipes that we have inherited from our family will not work for us, so we will have to spend some time experimenting and defining our base recipe book.

However, we live in the information age and having a vegan recipe is a matter of 2 clicks.

I like minimalism, so I also tried to apply that in the kitchen. I tend to eat the most natural foods possible, in season, from nearby farmers and without great preparations .

Dishes with quality ingredients, cooked just or not at all and combined following the rule of the dish : 1/2 of the plate of vegetables, 1/4 of the plate of vegetable proteins and 1/4 of the plate of carbohydrates. I find it very simple, easy to remember and a good starting point .

My diet is 100% vegetable and the only supplement I take is vitamin B12.Since I changed my diet, the allergy has disappeared, I rarely have a cold or flu, I maintain my weight (65 kg and I'm 1.80 cm tall) and my energy is brimming from morning to night.

Also carrying this type of food contributes to reducing pollution, animal and human exploitation. In short, I feel that with close and organic plant food I have improved my well-being by reducing my environmental footprint . A WOW habit!

3. Supermarkets

When I began to take care of eating products that were as natural as possible, I logically moved away from supermarkets . Most of what we can buy in a supermarket is processed food and my health is not interested.

The fresh and organic products that we find in supermarkets usually come wrapped in plastic and their quality is incomparable to those purchased directly from the producer .

The main difference is that when we buy in a supermarket the products have gone through refrigerated rooms , they have many kilometers of transport behind them . Furthermore, there is no guarantee that the farmer was treated fairly.

I buy most of the fruit and vegetables I eat from the producers I believe who are genuine. Every time I go to buy from your store it is a real pleasure . It's not just the quality of what you buy, it's the people and the project behind it .

Since I've known them, I've discovered the great advantage of local and proximity trade. The human contact between the producer and the consumer is very enriching and necessary today.

Everything that I can't get from the consumer group to which I belong and in other stores that promote zero waste . I get some things online, but I try to keep them to a minimum.

Therefore, stopping shopping in supermarkets has brought many benefits to my life. Eating healthier , higher quality and seasonal products , new relationships and enjoying shopping .

4.Read every day

It's been almost a year since I set myself a goal: to read at least one book every two weeks . It is a commitment to my personal and professional development that makes me read.

From what I am experiencing, it is assuming a highly recommended habit. I am choosing every two weeks in which aspect I want to learn more. It is one more way of taking responsibility for our lives.

I don't spend a lot of time a day , between 30-60 minutes, but it's enough to move towards my goal day by day . The important thing is to read every day, even for 5 minutes. Bogging down a day of reading and not touching a book for months won't make you consistently gain knowledge.

Repetition is what habit does and habit determines our life .

5.Do a morning routine

I have proven that the energy with which I get up determines the day. Since I like to be proactive, I have established a morning routine that guarantees me to start most days with the right energy to have a productive and fulfilling day .

Here is my routine:

I get up around 6:00 am.

I brush my teeth and tongue to help eliminate the toxins expelled during the night

I drink a glass of water to hydrate my body.

I meditate for 10 minutes . I appreciate the new day and everything I have material and immaterial. I like to thank everything, even what may seem insignificant (belly button hair for example).

Before I eat breakfast, I spend 30 to 60 minutes doing something of value to myself . For example, writing an article for inteligenciaeco.com .

I finish the routine having breakfast and a shower .

In this way , just 2 hours after getting up, I have already fulfilled two objectives on a spiritual and professional level . No matter how bad the day is, success is guaranteed . Do you see the idea?

6. Advance the meal schedule

Although there is a tradition of eating very (very) late. It is much better for me to eat and dine according to the biological clock.

Going to bed with the digestion done is something that allows me to rest much better and, therefore, wake up the next day with much more energy.

In addition, by lengthening the time between dinner and breakfast we are helping the body to eliminate more toxins and the digestive system to rest. In this way we improve our health.

Surely after reading these lines you have thought: "I wish I could do that, I can't". You can find many problems to advance the schedule: work, family, personal... The brain is a machine capable of generating millions of excuses for fear of leaving the comfort zone.

However, when you decide to put it to work to create it's just as great . It's just a matter of being clear about your values ​​and prioritizing. To a bad one you can always change your life to adjust it to your health . Who takes you? Nobody, just you.

7. Do sports regularly

When we are on time, it is easy for the sport to be relegated to second or third place. Getting time to exercise is something that usually costs .

However, it is something basic to live in a healthy way and prevent diseases associated with a sedentary lifestyle: obesity, cardiovascular problems, depression...

Today I plan it weekly . I no longer leave it to chance to do or not to do sports . I consider it as basic as eating. My goal is to dedicate at least 8 hours every week .

Something that has helped me to achieve the objective has been to take advantage of commuting to work to go by walking.I am giving it to exercise my heart. In this way, even if I don't do more during the day, I have been doing this activity for at least 40 minutes.

Walking also has many ecological advantages: you reduce C02 emissions and other pollutants into the atmosphere and you do not use fossil fuels. A clear example of how to improve health in a sustainable way . Another TOP habit!

In addition to this,  every week I go on a road trip . It is an activity that I really like. Being in contact with nature makes me feel present and relaxed.

To include as much physical activity as possible in my day to day, I have acquired other small habits that help me to be more active. For example, I go up the stairs whenever I can (that is, when I'm not loaded to the top of things) and during my sitting hours I use a fitball most of the time.

In short, I have integrated all the above said habits into my life , in such a way that it is not difficult for me to do it and that allows me to feel strong and energetic to face any challenge that comes my way.


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